西貢公眾碼頭 Sai Kung Public Pier

projects Description
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The pier for bird photo-shooting and relax in Sai Kung Area

Beautiful Public Pier with enjoying beautiful seaview and purchasing seafood

Public Pier with peaceful mind_Sai Kung

位於西貢市區,這是一個人潮聚集的碼頭,不少人會乘船前往不同的離島,又是散聚離合,就像有緣千里來相會,無緣對面不相逢。夕陽西下,很多攝影師、老人和情侶在船上拍照。這一刻,你或許會想起《老人與海》的故事。另外,這裏還有很多漁民售賣海鮮。雖然價格有點高,但是海產的質量有保證。您也可以購買海鮮並帶到附近的餐廳烹飪。碼頭 24 小時開放。所以當你路過碼頭的時候,還可以沿著長廊感受着街頭表演的氛圍,一邊喝拿鐵,可以消磨一整個下午。

港鐵彩虹站A2出口可搭乘1號或1S號小巴。 目的地是西貢公眾碼頭。 週末請預留更多的出行時間(往西貢)。

Situated in the city area of Sai Kung, it is the pier with lots of people gathering and on-board to different outlying islands. During the sunset, lots of photographers, elderies and couples are taking photos on the birds and ships. In this moment, you may think about the story of “Old Man and the Sea”. Also, there are lots of fishermen selling seafood to you. Although the price is a bit high, the quality of food could be a promise. You can also buy the seafood and bring them to the nearby restaurant for cooking. The pier opens 24-hours. So next time when you walk by-pass the pier, you can also enjoy the atmosphere on the street perfromance along the promenade.

You can take the No.1 or No.1S Minibus from Choi Hung MTR Exit A2. And the destination would be Sai Kung Public Pier. Please reserve more travelling time (To Sai Kung) during weekends.


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