西營盤舊唐樓Sai Ying Pun Tenement House

projects Description
  • 8

A classical tenement house

Urban heritage in busy district

Tenement House_Sai Ying Pun

這是一棟非常罕見的老舊住宅,位於西營盤的角落。 建於 20 世紀 50 年代,您可能會對這座擁有古典和現代主義窗戶的古老遺產建築的存在感到好奇。簡潔的外廊為行人提供遮陽 (騎樓風格) 亦是香港建築的特色之一。這也是香港歷史文化保育的一部分。而事實上,由於城市不斷地更新進程,而週邊環境對這棟建築的影響很大。周圍的場地被改建為更高的建築,可以滿足更多的城市需求。 所以,這棟唐樓看起來是被高樓大廈所遮擋。


This is a very rare old tenemnet house situated in the corner site of the Sai Ying Pun. Built from 1950s, you may wonder and superised about the existance of the old heritage building with classical and modernism windows. The simplicity verandah provides shading to the pedestrian, which is one of the characteristics of Hong Kong architecture. It is also part of the cultural preservation in Hong Kong history. In fact, due to the urban renewal process, the surroudning conditions has great impact towards this building. Surrouding sites are delevoped into taller buildings and accomodate more needs. So, this tenement house seems surrounded by tall buildings.

Also, due to the site constraint, the only possible outcome could only be rebuilt is a pencil tower with a podium after the redevelopment as forseen under the building law of Hong Kong. So, when you walk pass Dex Voeux Road West and Central Street, you can take a lok on this heritage.