西貢白臘沙灘及彩色屋仔 Sai Kung Pak Lap Hiking Trail, Cliff and European Houses

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Pak Lap Hiking Trail

The place for listening the soul of sea

Beach and hiking trail_Sai Kung


這裏有兩個重要的參觀地點:(1)白臘海灘和(2)兩個懸崖。白臘海灘是劃獨木舟和游泳的天堂。在陽光明媚的周末,海灘上擠滿了聊天、放鬆、游泳和曬日光浴的人。您還可以在沙灘上觀看從山丘到大海的蜿蜒水流。 對於這兩個懸崖,需要更多的經驗才能到達,不建議家庭行山人士。行山人士可以從海灘的左側穿過。您可以找到一個帶灌木的隱藏入口。步行20分鐘左右,就到了1號懸崖。1號懸崖海拔較低,適合有經驗的行山者。然而,對於 2 號懸崖,地表面是濕滑和充滿沙質的,很容易滑倒,只推薦給具豐富經驗的行山者。

總體而言,由於交通不便,最好在早上 9 點左右前往白臘,然後在下午 4 點到 5 點左右離開,然後您可以預約的士返回西貢市中心。最後,您可以在附近的西貢餐廳享用日落海鮮大餐。

You can arrive at Sai Kung Taxi Stand and take a taxi to Pak Lap, Sai Kung Man Yee Road close to Pak Lap Campsite (Close to distance post M015). (Recommend to go with 3-4 people together). Then, when you get off from taxi, you can find a trail in the direction towards Pak Lap. By walking down the trail around 10-15 minutes, you will reach to the Pak Lap Cultural Village.

In the village, you can find plenty of European-style houses and you can enjoy taking a selfie. There are plenty of open grassland and a lotus pool. The village is a chill and calm environment for hikers to stay and chat. After that, walking towards the sea, you will reach the Pak Lap Café and you can order food, including noodles or cake to eat. Feel free to visit the store and have an afternoon tea, while enjoying the sea view.

There are two important venues for visit: (1) Pak Lap Beach and (2) The two Cliffs. The Pak Lap beach is a heaven for canoeing and swimming. In sunny days, the beach is full of people to chat, relax, swim and sunbathing. You can also watch the wonderful meandering water flow from the hill to the sea in the sand beach.

For the two cliffs, more experience is required to reach the cliffs and not recommended for family hikers. Hikers can go through from the left side of the beach. You can find a hidden entrance with shrubs. Walk through and go up around 20 minutes and you will reach the first cliff. The Cliff No.1 has a lower altitude and for experienced hikers. However, for Cliff No.2, the ground surface is quite slippery, sandy and is only recommended to advanced hikers.

Overall, it is better to visit Pak Lap at early morning around 9am and leave the place around 4-5pm due to inconvenience of transportation. You can hire a taxi and travel back to Sai Kung City Centre at the evening. Then, you can enjoy a sunset seafood dinner at the Sai Kung restaurant nearby.


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