荃灣西樓角花園 Tsuen Wan Sai Lau Kok Garden

projects Description
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Sai Lau Kok Garden

A refurished park in Tsuen Wan
Completed in 2019

Public Park_Tsuen Wan



前西樓角花園雖然位置顯眼,但由於公用設施不足,與公眾隔絕。儘管如此,居民還是希望在荃灣有一個新場地舉辦社區活動。重建設計旨在將花園活化為連接主要城市節點、地面和高架人行道網絡的綠色城市樞紐,增強人流和社區價值。該項目是創建步行友好型城市的示例。 西樓角花園的新發展重現了荃灣農漁歷史的精神。


「雙層鋪面」計劃得到了區議會議員的鼓勵和支持。這種方法將人們步行在兩條路線上:(1)通往地鐵的通道和(2)享受花園。 因此,它實現了更好的人流管理。在設計花園時創造了豐富的視覺走廊,為公眾聚會提供了大量開放空間。 花園提供了階梯平台作為座位,並連接了講台和地面。 人們可從荃灣港鐵站及街道兩面前往花園,變得更加方便。 花園佈局以 “擁抱” 訪客為姿態,創造了社會融合。 有鑑於此,重建後的花園為居民和遊客提供了一個寧靜的環境。西樓角花園是創建社交、休閒和文化場所的先驅。 該項目還獲得多項國際城市設計大獎而受到關注。

How to arrive there? You can arrive at Tsuen Wan MTR and leave at exit B1. Then, you will on the elevated footbridge and can see the Sai Lau Kok Garden obviously.

“How to revitalize an Introvert Garden into an Urban Hub? Social, Sustainability, and Connectivity are the answers.”

Despite its prominent location, Former Sai Lau Kok Garden (SLK Garden) was isolated from the public because of insufficient communal facilities. In the past, residents were unwilling to use the garden as it had poor access to nearby MTR station. Nevertheless, residents wished to have a new venue for organizing community activities in Tsuen Wan. The new development of Sai Lau Kok Garden is to recapture the spirit of the Tsuen Wan history of agriculture and fishing activities.

To cope with the situation, our redevelopment design consisted of two layers of decking with extensive landscape and linked footbridge. We provided indoor multi-purpose room and outdoor amphitheater for performances and community events. Our redeveloped complex also had elevated footbridges in connecting the existing Footbridge network and promoted walkability.

“Two layers of decking” Scheme was encouraged and supported by DC members. This approach was diverting people into two routes: (1) Passageway to MTR and (2) Enjoy the garden. So, it achieved better pedestrian flow management. Levelling was crucial in designing the garden as it created a visual corridor with plenty of open space for public gathering. We provided the stepping terrace as seating and connected both podium and ground levels. It became more convenient for users to arrive at our garden from both Tsuen Wan MTR Station and street level. The garden layout gestured as “hugging” our visitor and created social integration. In such, the redeveloped SLK Garden provided a tranquil environment for residents and visitors to relax.

In essence, SLK Garden was the pioneer of creating a social, recreational and cultural spot. This project was also drawn to attention as it won several International Urban Design Awards.

“I don’t divide architecture, landscape and gardening; to me they are one.” (Luis Barragan)