安達臣安泰邨觀景台及休憩公園 Anderson Hill On Tai Estate and Children Playground

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Anderson Hill Mid-Level Viewing platform and recreational space

Viewing platform and Children Playground in Public Estate Public space

New built viewing platform_Anderson Hill On Tai Estate

安達臣山區(觀塘半山)設有步行道,康樂設施豐富。居民每天都會在這地方早操,亦有一些專門針對老年人的健身設施。若果你下午有空,可以在觀景台上走走。 您可以休息並與居民聊天。這是一個新建的社區,擁有大量的商業設施和熟食市場。您可以在路徑上慢跑或休閒散步。此外,如果您餓了,附近還有餐廳和傳統茶館。您可以從順天邨乘坐升降機前往那裡。

In the Anderson Hill District (Kwun Tong Mid-level), there is a walking path with plenty of recreational facilities. Residents have morning exercises everyday. There are some special fitness facilities for the elderly. You can walk around the viewing platform when you are free in the afternoon.

So, you can take rest and chat with the rersidents. It is a new built community with plenty of commerical facilities and market. You can have jogging or leisure walk on the path. Besides, there are restaurants and traditional tea house if you are hungry. You can visit there by taking the escalator from Shun Tin Estate.