大圍自助圖書館站 Tai Wai Public Library Station

projects Description
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Tai Wai Library Station

A prototype of Self-service library
Completed in 2020

Library Station_Sha Tin

大圍自助圖書館站位於住宅區中心,毗鄰大圍港鐵站D出口。它為當地社區提供 24 小時借還服務。圖書館站採用了一種簡單低調的形式,與社區融為一體。外部選用銀色鋁波紋板,好像是彎曲成“打開的書”的形狀 ; 而內部選用預製混凝土板。圖書館站粗獷外觀與繁忙的城市場景形成了有趣的對話。

Tai Wai Self-service Library Station is situated in the heart of residential area and right next to the Tai Wai MTR station Exit D. It offers the local community with 24-hour borrow and return service. Instead of being a loud architecture, the library station takes a subtle form which is integrating into the neighbourhood. Silver aluminium corrugated sheets are curved with the shape of an “opening book”; while prefabricated concrete panel is used for the interior. The brutalism style of library station creates an interesting dialogue with the busy urban scene.