石崗雷公田農場鮮奶有限公司 Shek Kong Lui Kung Tin Milk Company Co. Ltd

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The Milk Kiosk in Lui Kung Tin

The Milk Kiosk with feeding the goats

Milk Kiosk_Lui Kung Tin

雷公田農場鮮奶亭是一座經典的斜屋頂磚石建築。它以薑汁撞奶和自家製華夫餅而聞名。同樣,這是行山人士和家庭休息的好地方。 你可以花五元買草草餵山羊。 這是一個令人耳目一新的地方,讓家庭在自然環境中休息和放鬆。售賣亭還出售許多健康和有機產品。 你可以在逢星期六日及公眾假期(早上9點到下午5點)來看一看。這鮮奶亭位置於甲龍林徑的入口,是去清潭水塘的必經之路。

The Shek Kong Milk Kiosk is a classic masonry building with pitched roof. It is very famous for its ginger milk pudding and home-made waffle. It is a fantastic place for hikers and families to take a rest after hiking. You can spend $5 to buy a bunch of grass and feed the goats. You can treasure family time and spend a whole afternoon chatting and enjoying the puddings. The kiosk also sells many health and organic products. You can come and take a look from 9am to 5pm during weekends. It is at the junction of Kap Long Forest Trail, on the way to the Ching Tam Reservoir during your hiking.