白石角單車海濱長廊(毗鄰科學園) Pak Shek Kok Cycling Promenade near Science Park

projects Description
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The Waterfront Promenade near HKSTP

A relaxing walkway and bicycle lane in front of the HKSTP Golden Egg

The Promenade_Science Park

白石角海濱長廊是跑步者和單車愛好者的理想去處。 你可以騎單車,和你的狗狗出去玩,或者只是散步享受微風都很棒。你可以和家人在周末度過整個輕鬆下午。在海濱長廊,您可以享受不同的設施,如冰淇淋車、小食亭、迷你餐廳和碼頭。

海濱長廊靠近科學園金蛋。你可以往海邊的方向走,在金蛋附近,可以看到前面有一條單車徑。 穿過單車徑,您就會到達海濱長廊。這是一個令人耳目一新的好地方,是家庭在自然環境中休息和放鬆的好時機。小食亭還出售麵條、湯圓和其他飲料。

The Pak Shek Kok Promenade is a fantastic place for both runners and cyclists. You can ride the bicycle, go out with your dogs or just a walk to enjoy the coffee with cool breeze would be great. You can spend a whole afternoon during weekends and treasure your family time. In the promenade, you can enjoy different facilities such as ice-cream truck, kiosks, mini restaurants and a pier. The promenade is close to the HKSTP Golden Egg.

When you walk towards the direction of sea, near the Golden Egg, you can see there is a bicycle lane in front of you. Across the bicycle lane, you will reach the promenade. It is refreshing for families to relax in the natural environment. The kisok also sells noodles, rice balls and other beverages.


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