嘉頓山行山徑 Sham Shui Po Garden Hill Walk

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Our secret but romantic urban hiking: A walk on Garden Hill

An urban hiking trail
Completed in 1970s

Hiking Trail_Sham Shui Po

‘欲窮千里目 更上一層樓’

位於深水埗的嘉頓山,是遠離繁忙油尖旺都市環境的寧靜之地。您可以在這座山休息半天,攜眷欣賞黃昏日落美景。要前往嘉頓山的山頂,您可以從位於深水埗巴域街的 YHA 美荷樓青年旅舍開始。這裏會有一條巷在旁邊,並且有提示牌指示前往山頂的方向。然後,您要走上之字路及百多級樓梯,大約需要 30-45 分鐘到達山頂。在途中,你可以一邊在沿路的涼亭下休息,一邊享受清新的空氣和浪漫的都市風光,也非常適合晨運人士。

The summit of Garden Hill in Sham Shui Po is a tranquil place for you to escape from the busy city environment. You can enjoy the sunset with your love by getting a half day-off. If you want to reach the peak of Garden hill, you can start from going to the right side of the YHA Mei Ho House Youth Hostel on Berwick Street. There is a lane with a signage showing the start of hiking trail. Then, you will be walking up through zig-zag path with hundreds of steps and it would take you around 30-45 minutes to arrive at the Garden Hill Peak. During the journey, you will see some Chinese pavilions along the hill path. Go for a walk and talk with the residents and the elderly about the lifestyle of Hong Kong, have a feeling of the warmth of sunbathing. Also, you can bring your pets, take rest, and at the same time, enjoy the fresh air and the romantic urban scenery with your family and beloved ones.


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