嗇色園黃大仙祠從心苑池 Wong Tai Sin Temple Good Wish Pond

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The Wish Pond in the Wong Tai Sin Temple

A place for meditation

The Wishing Pond_Wong Tai Sin Temple

從心苑池於1991年開放,以慶祝嗇色園黃大仙成立70週年。其中國傳統建築風格深受中外人士歡迎,建築群由帶遮陽的長廊、小橋流水及迷你瀑布組成。 它還有一個人工湖,裡面有許多美麗的錦鯉和仙龜。您可以在參拜後參觀從心苑,環境清幽靜謐。

“從心苑”之名,是寓意凡到園遊人皆可隨心所信。此外,您還可以找到數件蘭溪市政府所贈送的雕塑,也是花園的景點之一。 您可以抵達黃大仙港鐵B3出口,參觀黃大仙寺廟。 然後,你可以進入寺廟,走到盡頭,就可以找到到達從心苑池。若是您有心事,也可以去遊走一下,或許會有些啟示。

The Wishing Pond, which was inaugurated in 1991 to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of Sik Sik Yuen Wong Tai Sin, is a splendid display of traditional Chinese vernacular architecture. This complex features a long corridor adorned with pavilions and shading, along with a small arch bridge and mini waterfall. An artificial lake teeming with beautiful fish and turtles adds to the tranquil ambiance, offering a delightful environment after a visit to the temple.

The name “Good Wish Garden” signifies that all visitors are encouraged to follow their hearts and believe in their aspirations. Additionally, the garden features several sculptures generously donated by the Lanxi Government, enhancing its allure as one of the garden’s main attractions. Accessing the Wishing Pond is easy by taking Exit B3 at the Wong Tai Sin MTR station and visiting the temple. From there, simply proceed to the end of the temple and you will discover the serenity of the Wishing Pond. As you stroll through the Good Wish Garden, you may find inspiration and contemplate whatever is on your mind.

Moreover, exploring the Wishing Pond provides a unique opportunity to learn more about the wisdom of Buddhism and the worship of Wong Tai Sin, allowing for a truly enriching experience. It is a rare urban scenic spot in Wong Tai Sin.


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