港島東西灣河自助圖書館站 Sai Wan Ho Island East Library Station

projects Description
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Island East Library Station

A prototype of self-service library
Completed in 2018

Library Station_Sai Wan Ho

港島東自助圖書館站是香港特區政府 2016 年政策議程公佈的試點項目。它受到公眾的歡迎,並推動智慧城市的閱讀文化。建築設計具有吸引力、功能性和可持續性,以提高社區對新服務的關注。自助圖書館站的主要特徵是天然竹立面,並採用古竹簡形式為天花板的特徵,以呼應“書”的主題。竹材不易處理,給現場施工帶來巨大挑戰。

如何到達? 你可以先從西灣河港鐵站A出口離開。然後,往鯉景道方向走,到達港島東體育館旁的香港電影資料館。自助圖書館站毗鄰香港電影資料館。你可以欣賞這個圖書站建築物。

The Self-service Library Station at Island East is a pilot project announced in 2016 Policy Agenda of HKSARG. It was welcomed by public and encouraged reading culture in a Smart City. The architectural design is attractive, functional yet sustainable to raise community’s attention to the new service. The key feature of the shelter is the natural bamboo façade in a form of ancient bamboo writing slips and ceiling features to echo the main theme of “Books”. The bamboo material is not easy to handle and creates a huge challenge for on-site construction.

How to arrive there? You can firstly leave at exit A of Sai Wan Ho MTR Station. Then, you can walk towards Lei King Road and arrive at Hong Kong Film Archive next to Island East Sports Centre. The Library station is next to the Hong Kong Film Archive. You can take a look on this spectacular library station.