芝加哥大學香港校園 University of Chicago Booth School of Business in Mount Davis

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Old heritage meets with New Business School Annex

Business School with viewing platform for sightseeing

Business School_Mount Davis


建築師 Bing Thom Architects 對舊文化遺產之上的新曲線建築物的佈置進行了透徹的思考。與新曲線附以舊建築物融合在一起,成為商學院的教學區。使用簡單的材料,現澆混凝土、白色塗料和現代幕牆,與古老的遺跡及白色格子牆形成對比,突顯了建築的和諧美。它創造了一個新穎的教學和學習的環境。此外,還有一面紀念牆,紀念為研究和教學貢獻了畢生精力已逝世的教授。

當你在摩星嶺行山結束後,可以到達此景點及騰出時間來張自拍,享受摩星嶺的新鮮空氣。景點適合家庭樂及情侶打卡談心。由於地點偏僻,你可以(1)從中環碼頭乘坐小巴 (54/ 54S)(中環碼頭>皇后大道西>摩星嶺徑,域多利道)或(2)從數碼港乘坐小巴(58)(數碼港>摩星嶺徑,域多利道)或(3)的士前往。

Mount Davis: From Citadel to Campus

Mount Davis has undergone a remarkable transformation from a detention centre for the Royal Hong Kong Police Force to the present-day site of a new business school. Preserving the heritage of the exhibition spaces for the public, this campus was used as a scene for the famous movie Lust, Caution (2007). The newly designed campus boasts a fantastic viewing platform, which offers a breathtaking view, and the architectural design is based on the concept of embracing the tree of wisdom. The tree, which is several decades old, has become a symbolic image that represents knowledge and wisdom.

Bing Thom Architects gave thorough consideration to the disposition of the new curved massing above the old heritages and the waffle wall, blending in the new curvature annex perfectly with the old heritages. The curved annex now serves as a teaching block for the business school. The use of simple materials such as cast-in-place concrete, white painting, and modern curtain walls sharply contrasts with the old heritages, yet preserves the harmony and beauty of the architecture. This approach creates an ambient environment for teaching and study. In addition, there is a memorial wall dedicated to former professors who contributed their lifetime to research and teaching.

After hiking in Mount Davis, visitors, in particular families and couples, are invited to take some time to selfie, capture their memories and enjoy the fresh air. Though the location is remote, you can (1) take the minibus No.54/ 54S from the Central Ferry Pier (Central Ferry > Queen’s Road West > Mount Davis Path, Victoria Road) or (2) take the minibus No.58 from the Cyberport (Cyberport > Mount Davis Path, Victoria Road) or (3) by taxi.


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