重.生.寺—紀念花園 (2015 HKIA 建築概念設計比賽銅獎)

projects Description
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The Re-Sprout: Garden of Remembrance

Sublimation of emotion---From grief to rebirth

Memorial Garden_Sandy Bay, HK Island












透過創作不同階段的抽象模型(Matrix Model)而獲得靈感,表達出人生如戲,戲如人生。





The Re-Sprout—Garden of Remembrance

Pleasant & Tranquil, Connection with sky and people…

Death? Memory? Or the power of nature?

The evocation of our deepest memory,

Different journey, same destination…

Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them.

We return to nature and begin another stage of journey.


Design Concept—The rebirth of Sprout

Death is a taboo for traditional Chinese society. Can we change peoples’ perception towards death and bereavement rituals through emerging space form? The unique characteristic of sprout is a metaphor of our life. It is a process to spring out a new and resurrected life, growing again from death to rebirth emotion. By this architectural gesture extending to the nature and the sea, the spirit of sprout is captured—rebirth and eternity.

Sublimation of emotional models—Grief to rebirth

What if architectonic model is a movie of Pre-destination? The world is a stage, we are merely players. Let’s make some matrix models for brainstorming the idea of re-sprout. Different stages of emotional models are produced with progression of themes for this project. Firstly, loops of ribbons confining spaces are expressing the emotion of grief. Then, the zig-sag shaped model means doubt—the uncertainly of life and determined by destiny. Finally, the curving bundles is the rebirth model—a regrowth of new hope and life.

Intervention of Typology: Changing perception towards death

What if the architecture itself evolves into a space that is landscape-philic? The objective is to establish the ambience of tranquil environment for memorial service and the assembly of the mourners, with spaces for scattering cremated ashes on the roof garden of the halls and the environment—The idea of returning to nature.


Social and Economic Sustainability

Social Sustainability

It is a park not only performing memorial rituals, but also gathering memories and thoughts to our pass-away. Users can scatter the cremated ashes of their loved ones on the roof, around the landscape area, river and the sea. The soul of the pass-away is integrated into the architecture, bonded with our memory. Users can touch the sea and enjoy the breeze on the stepping outdoor landscape area.

Economic Sustainability

By introducing the reachable sloped green roof, thinking out of the box, these finger complexes are embracing and capturing beautiful sea view and sunset at a glance, as well as cooling down the hall indoor temperature. This architecture also uses recyclable concrete and wood, with the introduction of natural light to reduce costs. Surrounded by rivers, the use of biodegradable paper boat can contain ashes. Families can honour and see the ashes dissolving into the river—an integration to the environment. So, the emotion turns from grief to rebirth, leaving the garden with encouragement towards future.