Still deciding where to go during weekends and holidays? Get inspired by our recommendations!
週末假期唔知去邊好? 不如從我們推介的旅遊景點中獲得靈感!
ACCUMULATIVE WEBSITE VISITS (25/8/2022 - 12/2/2024)
西營盤高街海景打卡位Sai Ying Pun High Street Seaview Selfie
西營盤舊唐樓Sai Ying Pun Tenement House
觀塘海濱長廊及音樂噴泉Kwun Tong Promenade and Music Fountain
啟德承啟道垃圾回收站Kai Tak Refuse Collection Centre
香港街道貓咪合集Hong Kong Cats Collection
南昌押Nam Cheong Pawn Shop
安達臣安泰邨石礦場展覽館Anderson Hill On Tai Estate Quarry Museum
安達臣安泰邨觀景台及休憩公園 Anderson Hill On Tai Estate and Children Playground
順天邨停車場Shun Tin Estate Open Deck Carpark
順天邨親子遊樂場Shun Tin Estate Children Playground
Robert Venturi: Sainsbury Wing falls in between invention and form imitation
香港城市規劃願景 An Insight for Hong Kong Urban Planning
屯門文娛廣場天幕 Canopy Tensile Structure in Tuen Mun Cultural Square
西貢浪茄沙灘 Sai Kung Long Ke Beach
西貢大草地 Sai Kung Big Grass
西貢公眾碼頭 Sai Kung Public Pier
大角咀櫻桃街花千樹(春季限定) Blossoms in the Tree in Cherry Street Tai Kok Tsui (Spring Time Only)
南丫島榕樹灣碼頭 Lamma Island Yung Shue Wan Pier
烏蛟騰抗日英烈紀念碑 Wu Kau Tang Martyrs Memorial Garden
大尾篤水上活動中心 Tai Mei Tuk Water Sports Centre
梅窩禮智園靈灰安置所 Mui Wo Lai Chi Yuen Crematorium
葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery
芝加哥大學香港校園 University of Chicago Booth School of Business in Mount Davis
中環交易所水牛雕像Hong Kong Exchange Centre Water Buffalo Sculpture in Central
黃竹坑新圍村公廁Wong Chuk Hang San Wai Village Public Toilet
大埔龍尾灘 Tai Po Lung Mei Beach
香港二戰“三年零八個月”紀念館 Thesis: Healing The Wound (A WWII Memorial Museum for Hong Kong)
旺角洗衣街大榕樹 The Big Banyan Tree in Mong Kok Sai Yee Street
青衣公園瞭望台 Tsing Yi Park The Lookout Pavilion
青衣公園落羽松瀑布湖 Tsing Yi Park Waterfall Lake
香港動植物公園 Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Garden
屯門蝴蝶灣公園海灘(最美日落) Tuen Mun Butterfly Park Beach Beautiful Sunset
黃泥涌水塘公園 Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Garden
嗇色園黃大仙祠從心苑池 Wong Tai Sin Temple Good Wish Pond
香港國際機場顯示屏 Hong Kong International Airport Dynamic Display Show
灣仔兒童電動車遊樂場 Wan Chai Children Electric Car Playground
白石角單車海濱長廊(毗鄰科學園) Pak Shek Kok Cycling Promenade near Science Park
白石角科學園大廣場音樂噴泉表演 Hong Kong Science Park Water Fountain Show in Pak Shek Kok
白石角科學園金蛋(高錕會議中心) Hong Kong Science Park Golden Egg in Pak Shek Kok(Charles K. Kao Auditorium)
香港賽馬會金鐘禁毒資訊天地 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Admiralty Drug Info Centre
黃竹坑行山徑概念設計 The Hiking Trail Design in Wong Chuk Hang
石崗雷公田農場鮮奶有限公司 Shek Kong Lui Kung Tin Milk Company Co. Ltd
西貢蠔涌公廁 Sai Kung Ho Chung Public Toilet
黃大仙社區中心升降機塔擴建 Wong Tai Sin Community Centre Lift Tower Extension
青衣東北公園露天劇場天幕 Tsing Yi Northeast Park Amphitheatre and Tensile Fabric Structure
西貢蠔涌橋 Sai Kung Ho Chung Bridge
深水埗南昌公園 Sham Shui Po Nam Cheong Park
古洞大豆醬油廠 (概念設計) Loca Soya Sauce Factory in Kwu Tung
油麻地果欄:商業運作與文化保育 Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market: Business Operation and Cultural Preservation
盥筒之境: 香港公共廁所概念設計 Concept Design for Hong Kong Public Toilet
重.生.寺—紀念花園 (2015 HKIA 建築概念設計比賽銅獎)
銀線灣 Sai Kung Silverstrand Beach
新都會廣場貓狗花園 Kwai Fong Metro Plaza: The paradise for Cat & Dog
屯門曾咀骨灰安置所及紀念花園 Tuen Mun Tsang Tsui Columbarium and Garden
西貢白臘沙灘及彩色屋仔 Sai Kung Pak Lap Hiking Trail, Cliff and European Houses
清友壽司吧 M+ Museum Kiyotomo Sushi Bar
安東尼.葛姆雷:亞洲土地 M+ Museum Antony Gormley: Asian Field
土瓜灣十三街重建計劃 (2017 HKIA 建築概念設計比賽銅獎) Redevlopment of To Kwa Wan 13 Street
東涌沙咀頭石灘及侯王古廟 Tung Chung Sha Tsui Tau Beach and Temple
大圍自助圖書館站 Tai Wai Public Library Station
“Play with your dream”
Youtube 頻道
新的 YouTube 頻道:築三里
我們建立了新Youtube 頻道,涵蓋了香港許多有吸引力的地方,從繁忙的市中心到清新的郊野公園。你可以與您的朋友和親戚一起去,說好香港故事。
The New Youtube Channel: Travel & Vehicle
The new video channel is established to include many attractive places in Hong Kong, from busy city centres to refresh country park. Be inspred and go with your friends and relatives.
ChatGPT Essay
The Adventure of Architect: Creation and Imagination
John graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in Architecture, and immediately began to pursue his ambitions of becoming a successful architect. With the support of his friends and family, he took on various projects and honed his craft. Despite the challenges he faced, John remained determined to make a name for himself in the industry. Soon enough, he was working on larger and more complex projects and, eventually, he gained the experience to become a partner in a notable firm. John was especially creative in his design work and sought to create unique and iconic buildings. Through his work, he was able to build valuable connections in the architecture world and it was through one of these connections that he met the love of his life. Together, they continued to build a life, and John’s career further developed and flourished.
Today, John is one of the most sought-after architects in the area. He had not only met his goals, but exceeded them. He had achieved success, building some of the most iconic properties in the area. He had figured out a way to balance the needs of his clients and his ambition to create iconic buildings.
Recently, John was inspired to create a Covid-19 museum to honor the victims of the pandemic, especially since he himself had lost someone close to him due to the virus. With this in mind, he set out to create a museum that would be both meaningful and reflective. He was determined to take on this difficult and challenging project and make it a reality. John was ready to put all of his efforts into designing and building a museum that would be both meaningful and timeless. He was determined to finish this project and use it as a way to commemorate the loved ones lost to the pandemic. He was ready to take on the challenge and create something that would stand the test of time.
John began to develop a plan for the museum and presented it to his clients. He was met with enthusiasm and he was given permission to move forward with the project. Knowing this was an ambitious endeavor, John worked tirelessly to make sure to meet the needs of his clients while also including elements of his own creative vision. He was determined to create something meaningful and timeless.
Meanwhile, John‘s senior colleague and mentor, Jerry, was not so eager to approve the project. Jerry argued that the project was too ambitious and would be too difficult to complete. His reservations only made John more determined to prove himself and used this as an opportunity to show what he was really capable of.
Still, despite being presented with many challenges, John remained determined. He had seen the devastation caused by the pandemic firsthand, and wanted to use his talents to create something that would honor the memory of those lost. He wanted to create something unique and extraordinary, something that would stand the test of time.
Finally, after much debate and discussion, John was able to persuade the clients and Jerry to approve the project. Having gained the full support of everyone involved, John was able to get to work on his ambitious project. He was determined to prove everyone wrong and bring his vision to life.
Finally, after months of hard work and dedication, the Covid-19 museum was built. It was a timeless and meaningful tribute to the victims of the pandemic, one that John was tremendously proud of. He was able to bring his own creative vision to the project, creating something that was truly special and one-of-a-kind. To celebrate the completion of the project, John decided to surprise his girlfriend with a marriage proposal. Knowing how far he had come and how much he had achieved, John believed the museum was the perfect backdrop to express his feelings of love and admiration. Under the stars, surrounded by the beauty of the museum, John proposed to his beloved and she happily accepted.
With the completion of the Covid-19 museum and his proposal to his girlfriend, John had achieved all of his goals. He had built his career, created a meaningful and lasting tribute, and found true love. He had finally found the balance between client expectations and creative ambition, and it gave him a feeling of immense pride and satisfaction. John had come a long way since graduating from the University of Washington. Despite the challenges he faced along the way, he was determined to make his mark in the architecture world. With the creation of the Covid-19 museum and his proposal to his girlfriend, John had not only achieved all of his goals but exceeded them.
He had created something that was truly meaningful and timeless, one that would stand the test of time. He had found a balance between his creative ambitions and the needs of his clients, and it was a feeling of immense satisfaction and pride. He had made his mark in the architecture world and could look back and be proud of what he had achieved.
約翰畢業於華盛頓大學,獲得建築學學位,並立即開始追求成為一名成功的建築師。在朋友和家人的支持下,他接手了各種項目並磨練了自己的手藝。 儘管他面臨著挑戰,約翰仍然決心在這個行業中揚名立萬。很快,他開始從事更大、更複雜的項目,最終,他成為一家著名公司合夥人。約翰的設計工作中特別有創意,力求創造獨特的建築。通過他的工作,他能夠在建築界建立有價值的聯繫,正是通過這些聯繫之一,他遇到了他一生的摯愛。 他們一起繼續創造生活,約翰的事業得到進一步發展和繁榮。
如今,約翰是該地區最受歡迎的建築師之一。他不僅實現了自己的目標,而且還超越了目標。他取得了成功,建造了該地區一些最具標誌性的房產。 他想出了一種方法來平衡客戶的需求和創造標誌性建築的雄心。
最近,約翰受到啟發,創建了一個 Covid-19 博物館,以紀念大流行病的受害者,因為他自己也因病毒失去了親人。考慮到這一點,他著手創建一個既有意義又具有反思性的博物館。他決心承擔這個艱鉅而具有挑戰性的項目。約翰已準備好將他所有的努力投入到設計和建造一個既有意義又永恆的博物館中。他決心完成這個項目,並以此來紀念在大流行病中失去的親人。他已準備好接受挑戰,並創造出經得起時間考驗的博物館。
儘管面臨許多挑戰,約翰仍然堅定不移。他親眼目睹了大流行病造成的破壞,並想利用自己的才能創造一些東西去紀念那些逝去的人。 他想創造一些獨特而非凡,經得起時間考驗的建築。最後,經過多次辯論和討論,約翰能夠說服客戶和傑瑞批准該項目。 在獲得所有相關人員的全力支持後,約翰得以著手開展他雄心勃勃的項目,並將他的願景變為現實。
終於,經過幾個月的努力和奉獻,Covid-19 博物館建成了。這是對大流行病受害者的永恆而有意義的致敬,約翰為此感到無比自豪。 他能夠將自己的創意帶入該項目,創造出真正特別且獨一無二的建築。為慶祝項目完成,約翰決定向女友求婚,給她一個驚喜。約翰取得了成就,他相信博物館是表達他的愛和欽佩之情。在星空下,被博物館的美景所包圍,約翰向心愛的人求婚,她欣然接受。
隨著 Covid-19 博物館的建成和他向女友求婚,約翰實現了他所有的目標。他建立了自己的事業,創造了持久和意義,並找到了真愛。他終於找到了客戶期望和創意抱負之間的平衡點,這讓他感到無比自豪和滿足。儘管他一路上面臨挑戰,但他決心在建築界留下自己的印記。

Do you want your project/ Design project to be displayed and presented to all over the world? It is a great opportunity to showcase your talents/ building skills. Please send us your project with photos and text! (Only jpg and word doc are accepted) Credits will be given to the author.
您想讓您的項目/設計項目向全世界展示嗎?這是展示您的才能/建築技能的絕好機會。請將您的項目連同照片和文字發送給我們! (只接受jpg和word doc) 項目作品將留名給予作者。